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Prison officer training

As a prison officer you will be trained for every situation. Whatever the challenge, you will have the support you need from your team.

Before you start your role, you will:

  • have an induction at the prison where you will be working
  • complete the prison officer foundation training

You will get full pay and expenses during your training.

What to expect

Weeks 1 and 2

You will complete a 10-day induction at the prison where you will be working (your ‘home’ prison).

This will include:

  • meeting your new colleague mentor and line manager
  • going into different areas in the prison and finding out more about different roles
  • being shown basic security processes and procedures

You will also cover the following e-learning modules:

  • rehabilitative culture in a prison
  • using and managing prison keys
  • prison security processes

Weeks 3 to 9

You will then start your 7-week foundation training programme at a designated learning centre. This will usually be close to your ‘home’ prison.

If the learning centre is not within commuting distance of your home, you will stay at the learning centre from Monday to Friday. You will be able to go home at weekends.

Your training will cover:

  • how to look after people in custody
  • search and security procedures
  • use of prison radios and keys
  • how to de-escalate challenging situations
  • control and restraint techniques

Throughout your foundation training, you will be assessed on all aspects of the prison officer role.

After your foundation training

Once you have completed your foundation training, you will return to your ‘home’ prison where you will continue on-the-job learning. You will get support locally to build on the skills, knowledge and behaviours you learned in your foundation training.

Working in a women’s prison

Working with women in custody has some specific challenges that you may not encounter in a male prison.

The training to work as a prison officer in a women’s prison therefore has some specialist parts to it.

The women’s prisons 8-week foundation course ensures you are:

  • skilled to assess, manage and support women in custody, including their specific risks and requirements
  • able to respond to women in custody in a way that focuses on their needs
  • confident in dealing with the complex environment of a women’s prison